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Online Forms

New Patient Registration Form

Save time during your next appointment! Complete your required forms online from any device at any time before your visit.

New Patient Registration Form

This form gives us some basic information about you and your pet. Most fields are marked as required because that is essential information for us to have on your first visit to our office.


If you, the owner, are not present during an exam, treatment, procedure, or surgery it is very important that we have a current phone number in order to reach you at ANY TIME during such treatments, procedures, or surgeries. Please update this information regularly to avoid miscommunication.

In an attempt to continue our move toward going paperless, we are starting to integrate email addresses into our client information. This email will not be used for SPAM email; however, it could be a tool to deliver reminders for vaccinations or to transfer documents and records to the client.

We at Petsvet understand that it may be difficult to personally bring your pet to their appointment. Therefore, we would like the names of any spouse, nurse, caregiver, or friend that may initiate treatment on your behalf. Leave these blank if not applicable.

Animal Information

Medical History

If you are visiting this office for the first time, it is important that we receive all prior, and appropriate medical history for your pet. This information could provide useful information in order to properly treat your animal. It is recommended you contact your previous veterinarian and have this information faxed or emailed to our office.

Our office fax number is: 623-974-4775. Our email is for records only.

Vaccination History

Has your pet received the following vaccinations?

If “yes”, you will need to provide record of any prior vaccinations, along with any prior medical history. State law mandates that ALL dogs be vaccinated for the Rabies Virus. Furthermore, this clinic strongly recommends vaccinating against the Distemper Virus and Parvo Virus, as both are highly contagious and extra precaution must be taken to prevent further contamination and infection of other animals.



Owner Responsibility

For Dogs:

It is the owner’s responsibility to maintain control of their pet at all times within Petsvet Animal Hospital. All dogs must remain on a leash AND be kept near the owner at all times. It is also the responsibility of the owner to give a warning to the staff at Petsvet if their pet may be hostile toward people or other animals. If your animal should show aggression toward other animals or the staff, it is the right of the staff of Petsvet Animal Hospital to restrain and apply a muzzle to your animal for personal protection.

For Cats and Smaller Animals:

All cats and smaller animals must be transported within a cage or carrier. If your animal should show aggression toward other animals or the staff, it is the right of the staff of Petsvet Animal Hospital to restrain and apply a muzzle to your animal for personal protection.

Clear Signature
I am the owner or agent of the above stated animal and give the authority to execute this consent. I hereby authorize the veterinarian on duty to induce and maintain general anesthesia and to perform the needed and/or requested procedures.